Sunday, July 25, 2010

Homemade Raspberry Jam

So I have a raspberry bush out in the yard and it has turned out to make some very lovely raspberries this year! I am so proud of them! So I this year I decided I was going to try to make some freezer jam! So instead of freezing all the raspberries for the BEST smoothies ever...I used the first few weeks of pickings to make jam. So here it is and I have to say that it is rather yummy! Thanks Aunt Lorrie for posting about the new easy Pectin (LOVE IT) and thank you MOM for teaching me so many things!! I look forward for all the many more lessons you will teach me! I thought it was going to be hard to make and it was so simple! You shouldn't say easy as pie...because making pie is a lot harder than jam. The saying should be easy as jam! LOL!!! Give it a try! Try out the new Ball Instant Pectin! It's wonderful!


  1. Oh yummy! Nice work. Looks like mom's trademark tupperware pick for jam. Thankfully our freezer has a few more of those little gems. They don't stick around very long.
